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Vista Imaging Supplies Inc.

1 5 1 7 Review(s)


Phone (310) 826-4520
Address 12021 Wilshire Blvd,
Los Angeles, CA 90049 United States


Office Supplies

Reviews for Vista Imaging Supplies Inc.

7 Review(s) Add a Review
  • Vista Imaging Supplies Inc.

    HANG UP THE PHONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    1 5 0

    Posted On:

    “This Company is the worst this century! They call every other day, trying to convince you ordered their product months ago and they are going to send you your back order! They harass you, hang up on you, give you bogus names and phone numbers. After telling them several times to stop calling and take you off their calling list, they ship you over priced, out dated, generic products that is only good for making finger prints!!!!!! Everyone that has had this awful experience with these scammers need to report them to the BBB and sue them! Also check with the your local post office and UPS to find out if you have to pay for product sent without your consent!! OMG!! Why is UPS bringing another package as I am writing this. Sending it right back!!!!!!!!”

  • Vista Imaging Supplies Inc.


    1 5 0

    Posted On:

    “They called to confirm address as if they were from our real supplier. They shipped a toner at very very high price + huge S&H cost. Our company paid the invoice, kind of overlooked. I called them to return. They wont pickup.”

  • Vista Imaging Supplies Inc.


    1 5 0

    Posted On:

    “The company I work with also received an invoice from this company for toner that we did not order that was grossly over priced. We contacted our state's Attorney General and were told our account was closed and that we didn't have to pay. We still are getting calls from this company trying to bilk us again!!!!! They claimed to be Xerox but they are not!”

  • Vista Imaging Supplies Inc.


    1 5 0

    Posted On:

    “We are a State College. We received an invoice from this company for product we did not order. We have tried to contact this company for several days & no one EVER answers the phone. However we did leave a voice message but we did not get a returned phone call. The invoice we received was the same as any invoice from one of our suppliers, just the date was different.”

  • Vista Imaging Supplies Inc.

    Serial Scam Artists

    1 5 0

    Posted On:

    “Received invoice and shipment of grossly overpriced product we did not order. Also charged huge handling charges plus freight. Demanded by fax they pay us same amount of handling charge to return. They sent UPS to pick up instead.”

  • Vista Imaging Supplies Inc.


    1 5 0

    Posted On:

    “We are a NYC government agency & received an invoice from this company for product we did not order. We have tried to contact this company for several days & no one EVER answers the phone & we cannot leave a message because the mailbox is full... how convenient!!!!!”

  • Vista Imaging Supplies Inc.

    Scam Artist

    1 5 0

    Posted On:

    “Received invoice from this company for product we did not order. Can't get anyone to answer phone or return phone calls. We have tried to contact for several days.”

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